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TechFest65 tips – how to download an app from the Google Play store

Google Play is the official app developed by Google for Android mobile users and allows you to browse and download a range of digital media, from music and magazines to books and television programmes. You can either download the app to your phone or access the Google Play website here. So, to download an app […]

Live-in Technology Brings Peace of Mind

carer assisting client

For the past year, the team at Everycare Winchester have been working hard to implement a new system that will transform the way we are able to deliver care, for our customers and their friends and family, and after much testing, we’re delighted to announce its official launch. As the world starts to embrace digital […]

Too Busy To See A Doctor? Live Too Far Away? Choose eHealth – The Online Doctor

What is eHealth? eHealth is the electronic management of an individual’s health information, which has been designed to improve upon some of the existing paper based systems. eHealth has been designed to increase efficiency within healthcare, and in turn this will help to decrease costs. How eHealth Works eHealth works by providing individual’s access to […]