What Support Is Available For Dementia Sufferers?
Dealing with Dementia id often difficult for both the individual and their carer. It is important that they receive the care and support they need. Did you know: • There are 670,000 people in the UK who are currently suffer with Dementia• In America there are approximately 5.2 million individuals suffering with Dementia, and it […]
The Big Decision Home Care Or Care Home
The Big Decision Home Care Or Care Home Having arrived at the point in your life where you feel you are not coping well on your own at home but have a fear of letting strangers into your home for home care or are worried about permanently moving into a care home, consider the question […]
Free Seminar – Who will pay for long term care?
With an ageing population, Long Term Care provision is becoming a more prevalent issue. One in four people are likely to need Long Term Care in the future, and provision for this eventuality is very often dismissed until there is an immediate need. Indeed, for those receiving care or wishing to increase that care, there […]
Serving a growing need
According to government forecasts there will be a 50% increase in over-65’s in the next 30 years, with an incredible 300% increase expected in those aged over 85. Unless more care homes are built spaces will be at a premium and, therefore, the costs of staying in one could double. In areas like Winchester where […]