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Google Play is the official app developed by Google for Android mobile users and allows you to browse and download a range of digital media, from music and magazines to books and television programmes.

You can either download the app to your phone or access the Google Play website here.

So, to download an app from the Play store follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Google Play Store on your Android phone or online.

2. Using the search bar, enter a search term to find a suitable app. For example, if you’re looking for a new app you may type in “free news”.

3. Once you’ve found a suitable app there will be a green ‘install’ button which you click and then follow the on screen instructions. If the app isn’t free you may be asked to enter your payment details if you haven’t already stored them on your account.

4. Finally, to check if the installation has been successful simply go to “my apps” or if you’re using an android mobile it should now appear on your home screen.

Keep a look out for more of our TechFest65 tips over the coming weeks!