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You might be alone on Christmas for different reasons, such as the death of a loved one, living far from relatives, or you don’t have close relationships with family or friends, whatever the reason, loneliness at Christmas can be particularly hard.

There are ways to cope with being alone at Christmas. You can find things to do at Christmas that make you feel less alone, especially if being alone isn’t how you thought you’d spend Christmas.

Perhaps you are alone this year because you turned down invitations. Know that it’s OK to call those people back and say “yes.” This is often a problem for those that feel like you are going to be a burden—you turn down invitations only to regret it and feel lonely afterwards. Know that you are wanted very much at someone’s table if they have invited you, it’s because they want you there not because they feel obliged.

Maybe your family or loved ones live far away and seeing them just isn’t an option, what can you do to stop feeling lonely? Here are a few suggestions.

If you feel lonely not just at Christmas or you are struggling with everyday tasks then contact Everycare on 01962 842548 we offer visits from just 2 hours a week to live in care – care that helps you remain in your own home

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